Torn Curtain

- Excuse me, are you Professor Armstrong?
- Yes, I am.

Mr Gerhard of Security wishes to see you.
We have a car.
(Car Engine Starts)
Well, morning.
Come in, Professor.
We've had quite an interesting talk
with Miss Sherman, and she...

She has decided to come over to our side.
Your fiancée would like to work
as your assistant in Leipzig.

You mean, you're going to work -
You mean, you're going to work with me?
Is there any reason why I shouldn't?
- Do you want to?
- I want to be with you.

You must thank Manfred, Professor.
Professor Manfred
has a unique line in argument.

He combines mathematical
logic with romantic inconsistency.

Miss Sherman, may I offer you a cognac?
(Speaking In German)
Now a toast.
To your new life in your new country.
So, and now you leave for Leipzig.
- What, today?
- Immediately.

- We have sent a car for you.
- (Knocking)

- We'll have to pack.
- Herein.

My dear Miss Sherman,
you are a scientist now, not a porter.

All that will be arranged.
