Un homme et une femme

Very big.
The two fire engines will be huge
for the big fires.

What will you do about small fires?
What about small fires?
We won't need the ladder.
That's all.
And we won't use much water.

lf it's locked,
we'll take the axes and....

Well, we'll use them to hit
and that's it.

And then we use a little water.
That's it.

Tell me about your job.
My work is largely technical. lt bores
women to talk about technicalities.

But l can tell you some trivia.
lt wouldn't bore me.
Take superstition, for example.
We racing drivers are superstitious.
No car has number 13.

No car ever....
No car ever bears number 13.
Another number is 17,
many accidents for that one.

ln ltaly, for example,
there's never 17.

The ltalians are very superstitious.
Have you ever heard of Ascari?
-l think so.

He was a driver, one of the best.
He died a few years ago.
Yes, l see now.
lf Ascari saw a black cat on the track
or on the side of the track...

...he'd stop.
Antoine, your napkin.
Maybe they should eat, they're hungry.
l don't like shrimps.
-You don't like shrimps?

Francoise, do you like shrimps?

How come?
Last week you ate some.

Do you want tomatoes?
Do you like tomatoes?

-l'm not hungry.
-Not hungry?

lt doesn't matter that
you don't like shrimps.
