A Countess from Hong Kong

Just came over the radio.
You've been appointed...

Plenipotentiary Extraordinary
to the Court of Saudi Arabia.

I'll never get away
from the oil business.

You been sleeping
on that couch all night?

What's this?
Telephone numbers.

- And this?
- Some roughneck guy
got fresh with Natascha...

- in a nightclub and you clipped him.
- I clipped him?

- Steward, sir.
- Would you bring me some
Alka-Seltzer and ice water?

Yes, sir.
- Who's Natascha?
- You don't know Natascha?

You ought to. You were pretty
clubby with her last night.

- What do you mean "clubby"?
- From the verb "club."

To form an association
united by a common interest.

- I don't want to hear any more.
Where are we?
- Way out at sea.

- When did we leave Hong Kong?
- Two hours ago.

No, I'm gonna take a bath
and get myself together.

- I'll call ya later then.
- Yeah.

Uh, Hudson.
What are you doing, Hudson?
- Just making a note
of the telephone numbers.
- Don't bother with them.
