Custer of the West

My regiment has received orders.
There'll be another war
with the Indians, right?

I tried you to return
to their job...

...but after you talked in the
Congress, it was impossible.

The President don't want it.
Why the hell talked about
his brother Orville?

Who will be in charge
of my regiment?

I don't know!
You don't know?
You decide that kind of thing.
George, during the 9 days that
the Congress session lasted...

...I was waiting for you
to name me.

You didn't.
I appreciate that,
I won't forget it.

But I can't with the President.
I never left you in the lurch,

During the Civil war
I led 60 charges for you, 60.

I remember all of them.
You only said...
..."Go to defeat them",
and I did it.

I never answer
"I can't with them".

Things have changed.
No, you have changed.
How long is it since
you rode a horse...

...or since they last shot
at you?

You're only a messenger boy...
...for the railroads
and the politicians.

You were a soldier.
I would like to see
your hair...

:44:41 my house's wall.
Listen to me, General.
When the war over you came
to me looking for a job.

I offered several,
but you rejected all.

You wanted action, that's what
you said. "I want action".

And you get it,
and you get glory too,
