El Dorado

You gals do your shopping.
We'll meet you back here.

Stay together. Go on with them, Joey.
- Dusty out there.
- Who are they who've just come in?

MacDonalds. They come to town
every Saturday afternoon.

I wish they hadn't.
Bull, it'd be a good idea if you hung
around where the MacDonalds are.

I guess I'd better.
Watch out for 'em... We'll keep an
eye on our friend across the street.

If there's any trouble, I'll toot
my bugle, and you come running.

Toot my bugle!
- Hello, JP.
- Hi.

Can you see a little clearer
from here?

Hey, Cole.
How long have you been here?

Got in last night.
Did we have a fight or something?
Or something.
What are you doing here?
Why are you here?

Waiting for a fellow.
The name's Nelse McLeod.
