Follow That Camel

I want no other reward than to be favoured
with the loving attentions of my lord.

It shall be done. Wait in my tent.
I hope you had a pleasant journey, gentlemen.
No! We have been treated outrageously
and I demand to see the British Consul.

(Laughs raucously)
Did I say something funny?
I don't know, but keep going,
he might rupture something.

Quiet, you miserable camel droppings!
I beg your pardon?
You can't talk to a British subject like that!

- Hey, take it easy, Bo. Take it easy!
- No, I won't!

I will not be humiliated in this manner!
If you're going to kill us,
why don't you shoot us now?

That is an excellent idea.
You and your big mouth.
But first, I require some information.
Of course, anything you want to know,
just fire away.

How many accursed legionnaires are there
at the outpost in Fort Zuassantneuf?

Let me see. How many legionnaires
at Fort Zuassantneuf? Er...

- You're not going to tell him, are you?
- Why not? Is a harmless question.

Well, of course it isn't!
He wants to find out so he can attack it.

Oh, come off it, Bo. Not him.
- Not this kindly old gentleman
- It is true!

The infidels will all perish
when the second crescent of the moon enters

- Onrion's thinrd phase
- When is that?

First, the legionnaires at Fort Zuassantneuf,
and then the infidels at Sidi-bel-Abbès.

It has been ordained by the prophet,
Mustafa Leak.

Mustafa Leak!
Mustafa Leak!
Now, you will tell me. How many men?
You know, for the moment,
it seems to have slipped my mind.

If I could pop back to the barrack s
and have a word with our Kommandant.

Don't trifle with me, accursed one!
Perhaps a little torture
will help you to remember.

You have until nightfall to come to younr senses
If not... they will come off.
