
No Apache names.
No symbol names, all right?

All right.
Come inside.
We'll have some mescal.

You get home
all right?

I hear you're
out of work.

Well, I bought
my last horse from you.

The notices
go up this week.

After 20 years,
the railroad has come to Sweetmary.

It's progress,
my friend, change.

It's the law of life.
Anyway, I brought you here
about something else.

I thought you'd
want to know

that Mr. Russell died
three nights ago.

He went in his sleep.
Doesn't that affect you?
The man who raised you?

Seventy-eight years
is a long life.

Yes. He was an old man.
Not a bad one, either.
Anyway, he left you his watch
and a boarding house

on Walker Street
in Sweetmary.

It's two stories high.
I live there myself.
This is a big something
to think about.

Because you can live
among white men again...

on land that a white man
has given you.

You've been up
in the mountains too long.

It's time to
speak English to people

no matter what language
you think in.

And get your hair cut.
There's something
to be gotten out of this,

something to
your advantage.

At least go look at it.
I think that if you see it,
you'll keep it.

And there's a woman
running it...

good-looking woman.
Do I inherit her, too?
No, my friend.
That's up to you.
