
that wash dried
while I was hanging it.

I don't think
this meat is fresh.

Don't think about it.
Just cook it.

But it smells funny.
You think it'll be all right?

Yeah, if you put
chili peppers into it.

I wouldn't eat it myself
on a bet.

Hey, what's going on?
I'm moving you out.
I want you to
take your socks,

your cigar stubs,
your long johns,

and your nickel-plated
sheriff s badge

and amble back down the hall
to your own room.

Huh. I like it here.
Can't quite remember
how you got squatter's rights
in here anyhow.

Seems to me you
came by one night

to ask for
an extra blanket

and stayed a year.
You beginning to worry
about public opinion?

My public's getting
bigger than usual.

The new owner's
coming today.

What the hell is he,
a preacher or something?

He might not understand
this arrangement.

I'm not sure I do.
I don't like this.
I didn't think
you'd be crazy about it.

- I don't like it at all.
- Humor me.

I just want to keep up
appearances for a while.

Nothing to get
sulky about.

Jessie, you can't move me around
like you do the furniture.

I might not come back.
Sure, you will, Frank.
Where else are you going
to put your big, cold feet?

Are you kids up?
Coffee's on!
