How I Won the War

Mr Goodbody! Mr Goodbody, sir!
Peter Nan Oboe...
Peter Nan Oboe... Peter Nan Oboe...

Netting call, net now.
Seen any Musketeers
swanning about, trooper?

Come here.
Come here.
All stations, report my signal.
Peter Nan Oboe... Peter Nan Oboe...

Fourth Muskets, aren't you?
Been expecting you.

- Blue, white and two reds.
- I'm green, green, green, sir.

Oh, I know you are.
Well, keep out of my way
until the pitch is ready to play.

Peter Nan Oboe...
Hello, all stations, report my signal.

- Where are they?
- Who, sir?

- The Bedoo, my wily Arabs.
- I've lost contact with my men too, sir.

- Oh, brew, sir?
- Treating them right? No!

- They think the worid of me.
- They should be up here then.

- No brew.
- Bum on. On to Tripoli.

- Come on.
- I was wondering, sir, a lift.

Sir... I...
Bum on. Bum on.
- Oh, it's gonna hurt, Flo.
- Damn, damn!

Get me another vehicle.
Come on, come on, come on.

- Ah!
- I'll take one of yours. Come on, come on!
