In the Heat of the Night

And meanwhile, you killed yourself
a white man and picked yourself up $200!

I earned that money,
ten hours a day, seven days a week.

Coloured can't earn that. It's more than l
make in a month! Where did you earn it?!

- Philadelphia.
- Mississippi?

- Pennsylvania.
- Just how do you earn that kinda money?

I'm a police officer.
(throws badge on desk)
Oh, yeah.
- Wood!
- Yes, sir!

- Did you question this man?
- No, sir.

Would you mind taking a look at that?
Yeah! Oh, yeah!
I'll check on this wise city boy.
You take him outside and hold him.

Yes, sir.
May l suggest that you call my chief
rather than send a wire or anything?

I mean, it would be quicker.
And l'll pay for the call.

Did you hear? Did you hear him
say he'd pay for the call?

How much do they pay you
to do their police work?
