Les Demoiselles de Rochefort

Just make it bright.
sing today.
Dance tonight.

sing of light.
Dance forjoy.
sing the wind.

sing the sun and the rain.
Fire us.
Inspire us.

Enchant and astonish us.
Hang out the streamers of sun,
Paint it all the color of delight.

Drape every facade in light,
Build bonfires of pleasures and fun.

Why waste time?
Why push me away?

You'll be my wife...
Why a seaside bungalow?
Why a millionaire from Mexico?
You can't whine till your dying day.
The harmony's sublime.
What a paradigm.
Where are the pretty hands
that wrote those notes?

Must I never see her again?
Why love on some Pacific shore
When it's right here in my store?
...And at the same time,
A true stroke of chance.
I find my great romance,
The very day I leave.
Passion. spirit. Love.
Folly. Genius.

Joy. Life. Happiness...
