Les Demoiselles de Rochefort

Every since that girl came my way.
Can she be far?
Is she near to me?

I never saw her again
But I know now she exists.

Is she chaste?
Or does she live fast and free?

Her virtue means nothing
Because I am an artist,

And Love is the sole authority.
So you're disappointed and in love?
Not disappointed,
but wise and in love.

For all that,
will you stay in Rochefort?

I can't. I play in Paris tomorrow.
But I'll be back next week.
I must find that girl.
Maybe you know her?
There are many pretty girls here.
So you wrote to me?
Yes, about a young friend...
an admirer who'd like to meet you.
She writes music...

I'll say no more. But you can
help her. She deserves it.

- Are you in love?
- Maybe.

- Pretty?
- Much more.

I'm so thrilled to see you.
Listen to this.
Tell me what you think.
