The Dirty Dozen

You do not have permission
to make personal comments. . .

. . .concerning the officers
responsible for its conception.

-Now, is that clear?
-Yes, sir.

Ask relevant questions or shut up.
Is it relevant to ask why I'm being
offered this mission?

It's not, as you say, being offered.
I'm volunteering.
Exactly, major.
I'm glad you look at these things
so realistically.

I don't mean to appear unduly cautious,
but if my personal survival. . .

. . .depends on the performance
of 12 deadheads. . .

. . .it might be helpful to know exactly
what I'm training them for.

Now, that's a very good question, major.
-Armbruster, let's have the basic outline.
-Yes, sir.

"The Germans are using a large chateau
near Rennes in Brittany. . .

. . .as a rest center and a conference
place for general staff officers. "

The target has no real
military value itself. . .

. . .but with these conferences, discussion
groups and the like going on. . .

. . .there's hardly a day when
there aren't a considerable number. . .

. . .of important general officers
in residence.

Usually with the benefit
of female companionship.

"Eliminating a number of senior
officers couldn't but have the effect. . .

. . .of disrupting
their chain of command. "

The idea is simply that our men
are dropped by parachute.

They enter the chateau and kill
as many senior officers as is possible. . .

. . .in the time available.
Naturally, the place is fortified
and heavily guarded.

What's the deal with the men?

None whatsoever. Let's have
no misunderstanding about that.

It's exactly what it says, an amnesty.
A temporary postponement.
You take it or leave it on that basis.

Like you say, sir, let's not
have any misunderstandings.

I don't like it. I think it stinks.
I've had enough of your insolence.
It's not a question of insolence
but of practicality.

I'm the guy that's being asked
to sell this idea. . .

. . .to 12 happy, smiling faces, right?
They do have an alternative way to go,
you know.

-That's no way for anybody to go.
-Oh, the hell you say, major.
