The Dirty Dozen

Death by hanging. "
All right, sergeant. Have them fall in
according to height, right to left.

According to height, fall in!
Come on, you jokers, you heard him.
Get in there! Fall in line!

-Come on, move!
-Come on, come on. Turn around.

Come on, here! I said, get in line.
Straighten up your jacket there.
Get over there.
-All right, have them count off.
-Sir. Count off!

Let's see what they can do
with a little close-order.

-Hut, right!

Left, march!
Hut, hut, hut, hut.
Two, three, four, hut, hut, hut.
Two, three.

Squad, halt!
About face!
Left, march!
Squad, halt!
Right face! At ease.
Now, what did I say to you?
Or maybe you don't understand English!

-What's the matter, Number 11 ?
-I got a pain.

-Where does it hurt?
-Well, I'll tell you. It's. . . .
