The Dirty Dozen

All I want from you
is a straight yes or no.

-You talk, I'll listen.

You either can sweat out the two days
you have before the hanging. . .

. . .or you join an outfit
that I'm putting together.

If you do that, I'll have you
out of here in less than 24 hours.

But you'll be worked to death, and
there's not a beating you won't take.

And then
when I'm satisfied with you. . .

. . .you'll go where the Army tells you.
Chances are you'll get killed anyway.

You don't know Victor Franko.
-All right, what's the deal?

What's the deal if I do stay alive?
-Might get off the hook.
-Count me in.

But you foul up once,
anywhere along the line, just once. . .

. . .and you'll be back here
at the end of a rope.

Hey. Hey, wait a minute. Wait a minute!
What's the matter with you?

You think I want to die?
If you do, then you don't
know Victor Franko.

How come you speak German?
Because my old man was
a coal miner in Silesia.

If he didn't speak German,
he didn't dig coal and he didn't eat.

That was the language he spoke
when he came to the States?

Pretty tough job in those days.
Yeah, it still is.
I don't like officers,
not any of them, and I never have.

But you were one yourself,
weren't you?

Yeah, three lousy days.
Somebody must have thought
you'd make a good officer.

They made a big mistake, didn't they?
Well, I thought you claimed
he was going over the hill.

What the hell are you talking about,

He was going over the hill.
My outfit was pinned down by
the worst crossfire you ever saw.

Half of them bleeding to death.
And this lover took off like a rabbit. . .

. . .with the medical supplies
on his back.

The only way to stop him
was to shoot him.

Anyhow, he had it coming.
