The Dirty Dozen

They're not gonna hang me, major.
I never raped that evil slut. . .
. . .or any other creature.
The Lord gave me that woman
and told me to chastise her.

Then he told you to beat her
to death, huh?

I only do what I'm called on to do.
I was in a state of grace.
And that woman. . .

. . .she tried to soil my spirit.
Well, I'm sure you were, Maggott.
But it seems to me I remember
a quotation that goes like:

Vengeance is mine.
Vengeance is mine.
I will repay, sayeth the Lord.

Paul to the Romans, Chapter 12.
Exactly. Now, isn't that
supposed to mean. . .

. . .that we leave punishment
of the transgressors to his hands?

That's right, major.
That's exactly what it means.

But it doesn't restrict him to the kind
of tools he would use, now does it?

And like I told you, major,
I only do what I'm called on to do.

You know, Maggott, I don't think
you're going to hang after all.

I think a man like you is destined
for higher things. Guard.

Besides, us Southern boys have
to stick together now, don't we?

I sure didn't mean to kill that fella.
But you do like I say,
and maybe they won't hang you.

Fixing to kill me some other way?
It might not come to that.
I reckon the folks would be a sight
happier if I died like a soldier.

Can't say I would.
Who does this hotshot major
think he is?
