The Dirty Dozen

Making us play wet nurses
to a bunch of scum.

Corporal Morgan.
If you can't find something to do,
I'll find something for you.

Now, move it.
Don't sweet-talk me, whitey.
You know why I'm here.

Or maybe you think I should've let
those cracker bastards. . .

. . .go right ahead and castrate me?
Seeing what those guys
tried to do to you. . .

. . .I'd say that you had
considerable justification.

Thank you, Mr. Major, sir.
I really do thank you for that.

But the court didn't agree, right?
So where does that leave you?

I'm offering you an alternative,
which means you can keep fighting.

-Who for, major?
-For yourself, if you want.

But the Krauts,
they're the real master-race merchants.

That's your war, man, not mine.
You don't like the Krauts,
major, you fight them.

Me, I'll pick my own enemies.
That's your privilege. But you won't
be able to exercise it much longer.

Because on March 25th,
you have a date with the hangman.

That's just six days from now.
Buenos días, major.
You know, sergeant, going over
the transcript of that man's trial. . .

. . .there are a couple of things
I don't get.

Did he ever claim
that he didn't do it?

I beg your pardon, but you haven't been
around prisons very much, have you?

You see, the first thing one learns
in prison, everybody is innocent.

This one, he doesn't say too much
about that one way or another.

He's only disturbed because we don't
allow him to have strings for his guitar.

Sergeant, did you ever lose a man. . .
. . .because he hung himself
with a guitar string?
