The Dirty Dozen

Pull with your arms,
hold with your legs.

Pull with your arms,
hold with your legs.

Come on, Jiminez. Move it.
When the time comes. . .
. . .you've got exactly 34 seconds
to clear that distance.

I really can't make it, major.
Oh, come on, Jiminez.
Move it. Don't stop now.

I can't! I can't!
-Come on, Jiminez. Move.
-I really can't.

I can't make it, major.
I can't make it! I can't make it!

Jiminez! You come back down that rope,
you're going straight back to prison.

I can't. I can't!
Really, I can't.

Sergeant, give me that weapon.
Take a spin on that rope.

I can't make it. I can't make it!
I can't!

I really can't make it, major.
I can't!

Boy, look at him go now!
So you couldn't make it, huh?
Okay, Posey, let's see a little
of that Apache know-how.

Re-thread that pulley and get another
rope down here. Come on!

Give these other characters
a crack at immortality.

You said Mayonnaise was the only one
supposed to get on top of that chateau.

But suppose Jiminez gets killed before
he gets to the top of that chateau.

-Come on, Posey. Move it.
-Come on, get that thing up here.

We'll have it ready in a minute, major.
All right, Franko, you're next.
All right, so much for hygiene
on the field.

Now, which one of you guys would
like to stick this in the major?

Well, major, if it's gonna
help the war effort. . . .

Franko, sit down.
You'll get your chance.
