The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

How the hell did you get out
of that pigsty?

My own way.
l'm here with your old friend Angel Eyes.

You talked you traitor! You talked!
No l didn't talk.
lf l did l probably wouldn't be here now.
So only you know your half of the secret?
l'm very happy you are working with me!
And we're together again.
l'll get dressed l kill him
and be right back.

Listen l forgot to mention.
He's not alone. There's five of 'em.
-Yeah five of 'em.

So that's why you came to Tuco.
lt doesn't matter. l'll kill them all!
They shot him at close range.
Well look who's here!
The other one will be along.
They'll come looking for us.
Watch out!
There's two of them.
l want that blond alive!
