The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

ls it bad...
:44:02 speak the way l do to volunteers?
l've done a lot worse.
l've done it. l've blown it up...
:44:17 here. l've destroyed it all.
lt's a court-martial offense to imagine--
to dream of blowing it up.

A serious crime.
Even to think of destroying
that bridge is Just....

Why not really blow it up captain?
Yeah captain it's nothing.
Let's scare the hell out of them!

l've been dreaming about it.
l've even worked out a plan.
l sure have!
The best time is after the attack...
...when there's a truce
to get the wounded.

lf l could do it...
...l could save many thousands of men.
But what l lack is the guts.
They're beginning the daily slaughter
right on time.

Captain! All companies
are awaiting your orders.

l'll be right there.
All right friends...
...come along and enJoy the spectacle.
