The Graduate

Oh no. You had to marry him
because you got pregnant?

Are you shocked?
Well I never thought of you and Mr.
Robinson as the kind of people who...

Oh, I know. Let's get to bed.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
So how did it happen?
Mrs. Robinson, I mean do you feel like telling me
what were the circumstances?

Not particularly.
Was he a law student at the time?
And you were a student also.
At college.

What was your major?
Benjamin, why are you asking
me all these questions?

Because I'm interested, Mrs. Robinson.
Now what was your
major subject at college?

But I thought you...
I guess you kind of lost interest
in it over the years then.

Kind of.
Well how did it happen?
You and Mr. Robinson.

How do you think.
I mean did he take you
up to his room with him?

Did you go to a hotel?
Benjamin, what does
it possibly matter?

I'm curious.
We'd go to his car.
Oh no. In the car you did it?
I don't think we were the first.
What kind of car was it?

Do you remember the
make of the car?

Oh my God.
Really. I want to know.

It was a Ford, Benjamin.
A Ford! A Ford! God damn it,
That's great! a Ford!

That's enough.
So old Elaine Robinson
got started in a Ford.

Don't talk about Elaine.
