The Taming of the Shrew

Bianca! Bianca!
- Bianca... Bianca! Bian...
- Signor Baptista...

Gentlemen, importune me no further,
For how I firmly am resolv'd you know,

Not to bestow my younger daughter Bianca
Before I have a husband for the elder.

Before I have a husband for the elder!
If either of you two love Katharina,
Leave shall you have
to court her at your pleasure.

O, hideous pleasure. She's too rough for me.
I pray you, Father, is it your will
To make a whore of me among these mates?

Mates, maid, how mean you that?
No mates for you
Unless you were of milder, gentler mould.

I' faith, sir, you shall have no need to fear.
Such mating is not half way to my heart.

But if it were, doubt not my care should be
To paint your face, and use you like a fool.

And comb your noddle
with a three-legg'd stool.

That wench is stark mad...
or wonderful forward.

But in the other's silence I do see
Maid's mild behaviour and sobriety.

Let it not displease thee, good Bianca,
For I will love thee none the less... my girl.

You are my most obedient and loving daughter.
Pretty pet!
O, sister, content you in my discontent.
Sir, to your pleasure humbly I subscribe.
My books and instruments
shall be my company,

On them to look and practise by myself.
