The War Wagon

that slug you put in me
kept me in hospital for six months.

What made you think
l wouldn't kill you?

Well, you're still alive.
Now what's to keep you that way?

- How much?

Your share'll be over 100,000.
That's what l've always said
the world needs:

More simple understanding to bring
people together. Lhotse! Khaloo!

We can talk upstairs.
- What l have to say is private.

Can't get more private. Neither one
of them speaks a word of English.

Come on in!
L hope this'll be friendlier than
last time. - Couldn't be unfriendlier.

Know why Pierce wanted you to kill me?
So he could legally steal your land,
once he found there was gold on it.

You were just defending your ranch.
But you got shot, framed
and sent to jail.

Thought that was kind of amusing.
Nice to find a fella
with a keen sense of humour.

Old Pierce
found a lotta gold on your land.

That ore assays out
at $643 a tonne, normally.

But they've hit the motherlode,
which'll be 1200 per cent richer.
