The War Wagon

L'm doin' ma best.
Got a horse? - What?
- Have yuh got a horse? - No.

Come on.
L ain't goin' no place. Let me alone.
Let me off, Mister. - Not yet, sonny.
- My head's splittin'.

Yuh stink!
Tell me kid, what are you good for?

Good for?
- You heard me.

Nothin'. L'm good for nothin'.
- L believe it. Taw must be loco.

Taw Jackson? Ls he out?
- We're on our way to join him.

Ooggone! Me and him spent two years
in prison together. - Heart-warming.

That means Taw must be ready to...
- Yes?

A thing we talked about.
Listen, mister, this has gone
far enough. Let me down.

L will, sonny, l will.
What did you do that for?
You share my horse, l want you sober.
And cleaner.
You can walk yourself dry.
Who's that?
