The War Wagon

We walk from here.
Oumb lndians!
Looks like they're movin' out.
- They are.

Squaws, old men, children.
Pierce has starved them out.
What about Wild Horse?
- He's staying.

Pierce'll hunt him down too.
Oumb lndians!

And you're smart? - Sure! L've learned
to live in a white man's world.

Grab all you can, anytime you can.
Wait here.
Your enemy is my enemy.
- Taw!

Chief Wild Horse, Natani Jackson.
- Too many warriors have died.

He says, Your enemy is his enemy.
- Good.

No. He says he will lose
too many braves.

Ask him does he ride
with warriors or women.

Lf you want my tribe
and my warriors, l will do it.

He will do it, but he wants more
of everything. - He does or you do?

Bargain with him.
- What exactly do you want?
