The War Wagon

Wes is due back any time.
You best wait in the house.

Oon't he let you talk to anybody?
- To nobody.

Reckon you can talk to me, then.
L'm nobody.

How old are yuh?
- Eighteen, l think.

Me too... far as l know.
how come you're married to Wes?

L ain't, really. He bartered me.
Bartered yuh?
Folks traded me for twenty dollars
and a horse. They's poor.

L'd call that a lot worse than poor.
Ain't much never mind.
Same here as it was with them.

Oo your work and keep your mouth shut.
- Twenty dollars and a horse.

You're worth...
a little more than that.
How come you're in on this stealin'?
For the money.
L'm gonna have me 100,000 dollars.
Make me a very important person.

'Cause it will.
What are you doin' here?
- Taw told me to meet him here.

He tell you to hang around my wife?
- Should l wait up on the mountain?

Oon't sass me, boy. - He ain't
done nothin'. - Get back to work!

Leave her alone!
Come on, boy.
- Fletcher! Put it away.

Come here, Billy.
