To Sir, with Love

l´ve seen garbage collectors
who are cleaner.

Toughness is a quality
of the mind...

:33:09 bravery,
honesty and ambition.

lf you want to wear your hair long,
clean it...

...else you´ll soon get lice and smell.
Soon your principle interest
will be girls.

You will be more attractive
with clean clothes, clean shoes...

...hands, face, teeth, et cetera.
Any questions?
Miss Pegg.
What about Mr. Weston, Sir?
He´s never tidy, his shoes is
never brushed, and his hair´s a mess.

lt´s filthy.
Mr. Weston is not your teacher.
We won´t discuss him.

l´m the one to criticize
if l fail to maintain the standards.

That´s not fair.
...or Mr. Thackeray.
Didn´t you understand?

That´s not fair...
l agree.
But that´s an example of things
you´ll have to put up with as an adult.

You´ll just have to take it.
Next, we are going to talk
about various...

Good morning.
- L wanted to see how you were doing.
- Fine, sir.

Thank you.
What is it?
What are we going
to talk about, Sir?
