To Sir, with Love

Sure, why not?
My old man never cooked nothing
in his life.

He says that´s women´s work.
But suppose you´re on your own,
as you certainly will be shortly.

You´ll have to do it for yourself
sometimes, won´t you?

Not again, Sir.
This is survival training.
A normal English salad...
...not fit for human consumption,
even if you remove the slugs...

...and add a dash of the extraordinary,
a bit of mayonnaise.

Look at this.
Mum went to the doctor.
l didn´t want to miss today.

He won´t be no trouble.
lt´s all right.
Sit down.
Make room over there for her.

Okay, come on.
Never be afraid to experiment.
And always remember that
you can eat well...

...even though you´re broke.

You ever been broke, Sir?
Real broke, skint?

Many, many times.
l don´t understand you a bit, Sir.
l mean...
:55:29´re a toff and you ain´t.
What he means is...
Blimey, l can´t sort of put it
into words or anything.

Well, Sir...
:55:42´re like us, but you ain´t.
l mean, you´re not.

lt´s kind of scary but nice.
You know what l mean, don´t you?
l don´t know how to answer you,
except to say...

...that l teach you truths,
my truths.

lt is kind of scary,
dealing with the truth.
