Waterhole %233

Cuff them, shoemaker. Come on!
- Where is the key?
- It's in the hatband.

- On their ankles.
- On their ankles, shoemaker!

I'll get the gold.
- We'll divvy it.
- Why not?

Turn around, close. Come on!
- Hilb! Tie their hands with this.
- Right.

Sweet yellow, sweet yellow
Sweet tangerine gold
You make a man fever
You make a man bold

You're warm like a woman
a treasure to hold
Sweet yellow, sweet tangerine gold
It kind of makes your tongue coat up,
don't it?

Yours is still on the horse.
- What's that?
- My old outfit.

Bye, now.
Our gold?
Shoemaker, get the mule.
We're through with him, ain't we?
Now you think a minute.
We let him go in Mexico.
- Right.
- Right.

As we say in the Cavalry:
Without a horse, a man's afoot.

You make a man fever
You make a man bold
Sweet yellow, sweet tangerine gold
