You Only Live Twice

Clear the area. Clear the area.
Prepare for reception.
Prepare for reception.
Radar blackout is now complete.
Radar blackout is now complete.
Moscow radio's already saying we did it.
The president's called
a press conference for 2pm.

He'll deny emphatically we were involved.
- But can we prove it?
- Of course not.

No one will believe the Russians did it.
Now they'll use the excuse
to shoot down our next "Jupiter".

Houston to Washington. We followed him
for one orbit, now he's off the screen.

That means he's coming down.
- Yeah, but where?
- Some place in Russia. It has to be.

The British theory about Japan
is nonsense.

- Forget Japan.
- I agree.

We've re-photographed
every square inch.

Ventilator fans to full power.
Open all air ducts.
Area safe to enter.
All crews to stations.
