2001: A Space Odyssey

Here you are, sir.
Main IeveI, pIease.

Right. See you on the way back.
-Good morning, sir.

-We haven't seen you for a Iong time.
-Nice to see you again.

-Did you have a pIeasant fIight?
-Very nice.

Mr. MiIIer of Station Security
is supposed to meet me.

-May I caII him for you?
-WouId you? Here he is!

-HeIIo, Dr. FIoyd.
-HeIIo, MiIIer.

-Sorry I'm Iate.
-That's aII right.

It's nice to have you back.
-Did you have a good fIight?
-Very nice.

-ShaII we go through?
-WouId you pIease use number 1 7?

Thank you, Miss Turner.
This way.
Welcome to Voice Print ldentification.
When you see the red light go on,
please state in the following order:

Your destination,
your nationality and your full name.

Surname first, Christian name,
and initial.

Moon. American. FIoyd, Heywood R.
Thank you. You are cleared through
Voice Print ldentification.

Thank you.
-Have I got time for breakfast?
-I think we can manage that.
