2001: A Space Odyssey

Okay, sweetheart.
Have a nice birthday tomorrow.

All right.
And have a nice birthday party
tomorrow too, huh?

All right.
Take care and be a good girI,
won't you?

All right. Bye-bye!
Bye-bye! Happy birthday!
-EIena, how nice to see you again.
-Heywood, what a wonderfuI surprise!

-You're Iooking wonderfuI.
-You're Iooking weII too.

This is my friend,
Dr. Heywood FIoyd.

I'd Iike you to meet Dr. KaIinan.
Dr. Stretyneva.
And this is Dr. Andrei SmysIov.
How do you do?
I've heard a Iot about you.

Do sit down.
-WeII, we--
-No, no, pIease.

Thank you.
-WouId you Iike a drink, Doctor?
-No, thank you.

I haven't had breakfast yet.
Someone's meeting me in the restaurant.

I'II just sit with you a moment.
Then I'II be off.

-Are you quite sure?
-Quite sure, thank you.

-WeII, how's Gregor?
-He's fine.

He's been doing underwater research
in the BaItic. . .

. . .so I'm afraid we don't see
very much of each other these days.

-When you see him, give him my regards.
-Yes, of course.

WeII, where are you aII off to?
Up or down?

We're going home.
We've just spent 3 months caIibrating
the new antenna at TchaIinko.

-What about you?
-I'm on my way to CIavius.

Oh, are you?
Dr. FIoyd, I hope you don't think
I'm being too inquisitive. . .

. . .but perhaps you can cIear up the big
mystery about what is going on there.

I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.
For the past two weeks. . .
. . .some eXtremeIy odd things
have been happening at CIavius.

-Oh, reaIIy?
-Yes, yes.

For one thing, when you phone the base,
aII you get is a recording. . .

. . .which repeats that the phone Iines
are temporariIy out of order.
