2001: A Space Odyssey

The crew of Discovery One
consists of five men...

...and one of the latest generation
of the HAL 9000 computers.

Three of the men
were put aboard asleep...

...or to be more precise,
in a state of hibernation:

Dr. Charles Hunter, Dr. Jack Kimball
and Dr. Victor Kaminsky.

We spoke with mission commander,
Dr. David Bowman...

...and his deputy, Dr. Frank Poole.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
How is everything going?

We have no complaints.
l'm glad to hear that.
l'm sure the entire world...

...joins me in wishing you
a safe, successful voyage.

-Thanks very much.
-Thank you.

Although hibernation has been used
on previous space efforts...

... this is the first time men were
put into hibernation before departure.

Why was this done?
This was done to achieve
the maximum conservation...

...of our life-support capabilities,
basically food and air.

The three hibernating crew members
represent the survey team.

Their efforts won 't be utilized
until we approach Jupiter.

Dr. Poole, what's it like
while you're in hibernation?

lt's exactly like being asleep.
You have no sense of time.

The only difference is
that you don 't dream.

As l understand it, you only breathe
once a minute. ls this true?

Right, and the heart
beats three times a minute.

Body temperature is usually down to
about three degrees centigrade.

The sixth member of the crew
was not concerned...

...about the problems of hibernation...
...for he was the latest result
in machine intelligence:

The HAL 9000 computer,
which can reproduce...

... though some experts prefer
to use the word ''mimic''...

...most of the activities
of the human brain...

...and with incalculably greater
speed and reliability.

We next spoke with
the HAL 9000 computer...

... whom, we learned,
one addresses as ''Hal. ''

Hello, Hal.
How's everything going?
