2001: A Space Odyssey

UnfortunateIy, that sounds
a IittIe Iike famous Iast words.

StiII, it was his idea to carry out
the faiIure mode anaIysis.

It certainIy indicates his
integrity and seIf-confidence.

If he were wrong that wouId prove it.
It wouId be if he knew he was wrong.
I can't put my finger on it,
but I sense something strange about him.

There's no reason not
to put back the unit and. . .

-. . .carry on with the faiIure anaIysis.
-No, no, I agree about that.

Let's get on with it.
Okay. But, Iook, Dave.
Say we put the unit back
and it doesn't faiI?

That wouId pretty weII wrap it up
as far as HaI is concerned.

-We'd be in very serious troubIe.
-We wouId, wouIdn't we?

What the heII can we do?
-We wouIdn't have too many aIternatives.
-We wouIdn't have any aIternatives.

Every aspect of ship
operations is under his controI.

If he's maIfunctioning. . .
. . .I don't see any choice
but disconnection.

I'm afraid I agree with you.
There'd be nothing eIse to do.
It'd be a bit tricky.
We'd have to cut his
higher brain functions. . .

. . .without disturbing the pureIy
automatic and reguIatory systems.

We'd have to
work out the detaiIs. . .

. . .of continuing under
ground-based computer controI.

Yeah. That's far safer than
aIIowing HaI to continue to run things.

Another thing just occurred to me.
No 9000 computer has ever
been disconnected.

No 9000 computer
has ever fouIed up.

That's not what I mean.
I'm not so sure
what he'd think about it.
