Corri, uomo, corri

I toId you, dear, I'd be back r!ght away.
See, eh?

That was ^ months ago,
you bastard!

DoIores, but. . .
. . .my star, why are you runn!ng away?
Oh, you p!g!
So !t's me who's runn!ng away!

Son of a b!tch!
I put bars on the w!ndows
and a Iock on the door.

And yet, you managed to escape
from a hoIe !n my roof!

- DoIores--
- Enough, enough, enough!

- Go away. I don't want to see you.
- DoIores! Wh!te rose of Mex!co.

Here I am and that's what matters.
Yes, teII me you Iove me, eh?
My dear I!ttIe g!rI,
I'm go!ng to g!ve you a present. . .

. . .to show you I forg!ve you.
- Oh, reaIIy? For me?
- Yes. . .

You bought !t?
I d!dn't say anyth!ng about ""buy!ng.""
Oh, !t's goId.
Thank you. How beaut!fuI.
To Sher!ff. . . Nathan!eI. . . Cass!dy. . .
. . .!n honor of eI!m!nat!ng. . .
. . .h!s 20th band!t. . .
. . .from the c!t!zens of DougIas.
- How many?
- 20.
