Corri, uomo, corri

That man !s worth 3 m!II!on doIIars.
1 00 doIIars, !f you heIp me
get out ton!ght.

1 00 doIIars? 1 00 doIIars, for me?
I need your heIp, Cuch!IIo.
I've struggIed aII my I!fe,
but I'm not a man of act!on.

W!th you, !t's d!fferent.
You have been brought up on
the free roads of Mex!co. . .

. . .where you've been tra!ned
to defend yourseIf.

I must get out of here and cross
the border to Texas, !mmed!ateIy.

HoId on a moment, poet.
L!sten, Iet's get th!s stra!ght.
- You have been pardoned, r!ght?
- Yes.

- You're gett!ng out tomorrow, r!ght?
- Yes.

And you want to g!ve me 1 00 doIIars. . .
. . .to take the r!sk of an escape,
just to ga!n a few hours?

Or a few m!nutes.
Whatever advantage you can g!ve me.
