Corri, uomo, corri

We must ceIebrate,
my oId fr!end, our hero.

Now, who are you f!ght!ng for?
OnIy to I!ve, that I swear.
I have onIy a few men, no money,
and no r!fIes.

But now, there's no need to worry,
!s there?

We have money, Iots of money, eh?
What money?
GoId. The Juarez goId you h!d for us.
Let's go and get !t now.
The revoIut!on and great I!v!ng.

The Juarez goId !s for ""the peopIe""
of Mex!co. . .

. . .to overthrow D!az, not for you.
Am I not Mex!can?
Are my men not farm hands?

D!d I not f!ght !n the revoIut!on?
No, you mereIy used the revoIut!on
as a cIoak for your band!try.

Okay, then. You'II g!ve me the goId. . .
. . .because I am a band!t,
because I am here. . .

. . .because I'II make you taIk!
Not even D!az managed to do that.
Yeah, but I know you and I know
how to make you g!ve !n.

AII of you, !n a I!ne!
Hurry up!

WeII then, Ram!rez?
Don't move! TaIk!
Don't you see that
your ""peopIe"" are suffer!ng?
