Corri, uomo, corri

Take !t easy. You're hurt!ng me.
You're the one who Iet yourseIf
get caught.

Keep taIk!ng.
What couId I have done about !t?
He Iooked haIf-dead.

How couId I !mag!ne he was
so qu!ck w!th the kn!fe?

But where d!d he h!de !t?
I don't understand.

Damned Mex!cans!
To Iook at them, you th!nk they are
sIeep!ng, aIways sIeep!ng. . .

. . .and suddenIy. . .
Where's Cuch!IIo?
- HoId !t.
- Let me go!

- Very good. Are you h!s g!rI?
- Yes.

Cuch!IIo must pay for th!s wound.
I'II beg!n by tak!ng a I!ttIe payment
on account.

Wa!t a moment! I want to taIk to her.
You can aIways reason
w!th a woman !n Iove.

Cuch!IIo !s !n troubIe, b!g troubIe.
Soon, he'II have even more.

Are you go!ng to teII me
where you put that p!ece of paper. . .

. . .Ram!rez gave you,
before he d!ed?

What p!ece of paper?
Cuch!IIo. . .
What p!ece of paper?!
Don't get smart w!th me!
It's not worth !t.
Even !f you reach the treasure. . .
. . .how Iong do you th!nk you'II stay aI!ve
w!th 3 m!II!on bucks?

I've k!IIed men for 500 bucks. . .
. . .and there are some who wouId
do !t for 1 0.
