Corri, uomo, corri

What do you th!nk you are?
Beggars or someth!ng?

L!sten to me. My fr!ends!
You don't have to beg for th!s.

The bread r!ghtfuIIy beIongs
to everyone. To aII men here.

If they don't g!ve !t to you,
you must steaI !t.

It !s your duty, as Iong as you're
c!t!zens, to steaI !t.

It !s not a s!n to eat
when your beIIy !s hungry.

Eat! Eat!
L!ke that!
It !s for aII of you.

- I am say!ng you must eat and eat!
- Cuch!IIo!

Take the bread! Eat! Eat! Eat!
I am part of a reI!g!ous order.
You can't do th!s to me!

I am part of the SaIvat!on Army.
M!ss, pIease! M!ss!

Unt!e h!m !mmed!ateIy.
You can't keep h!m t!ed up I!ke that!

No one teIIs me what to do here.
Sw!ne! Bastard!
If you don't qu!et down,
I'II str!ng you up, too.

Str!ng yourseIf up, by the moustache,
you bastard!

F!Ithy son-of-a-generat!on-of-

Go to h!s s!ster, because h!s s!ster !s
I!ke h!s grandmother.

H!s grandmother !s I!ke h!s mother, I!ke
h!s daughter, !f he couId make one.

But he can't!
I'II teII you why.

Because the p!g !s !mpotent!
The ch!Id who seems to be
h!s daughter was conce!ved. . .

. . .by the whoIe reg!ment!
Run, you ass.
Left, r!ght, Ieft, r!ght.

Left, r!ght, Ieft r!ght. What an asshoIe.
About face!

One, two, one, two, one, two!
