
This was your idea.
What difference does that make?
He's your father, and he might die.

Would you get aboard,

You, uh...
you okay?

I don't know.
Frankly, I don't know
how I'm supposed to feel.

I'm sorry he's hurt.
I want him to get better.

But l...
I hardly remember my father.

Your mother never took the time
to fill you in on him?

All she ever told me was that
he was in the oil business,

and that he was
a wonderful man...

and that she was
the wrong woman for him.

When I was old enough to realize
how unhappy it made her,

I stopped asking questions.
Well, she couldn't exactly rap him for
all the dough he must've been sending her.

She never took a penny
from him, that I know.

Her name was Randolph, of Randolph
Department Stores in San Francisco.

Oh, yeah, Randolph.
Well, that, uh...

That made it easy for her
to walk out on him, didn't it?

You're struggling to be
some sort of boor.

- No, I just know it wasn't Chance's fault.
- Were you there?

No, no, but I got
a clear picture now.

He had the bad luck
to marry a complete bitch.

Shorty, it's getting
hard to breathe in here.

- Why don't you go forward?
- l...

I, uh...
I will.
Look, I'm sorry.
It's just that your dad,
he means...
I-I'm sorry.
