Ice Station Zebra

That's just off the Orkney Islands.
It's with whom or what we don't know.

And you think that I do.
Scout's honor, I haven't the foggiest...

...although I assume it's more about
my end of the business than yours.

Happy days.
Mr. Jones, I deal with secret orders...
...classified information,
almost every day.

- I can't say that I've ever learned to like it...
- And I am very glad that you don't.

Leave that sort of thing
to the people who are trained for it.

Right, captain?
I still feel all kinds of a fool
about that set-to with Hansen.

It's what he called me, you know.
Out of a sound sleep.
- What did he call you?
- Jones.

Bad name. Bad connotations.
I once killed a man called Jones.
Not for that reason, of course.
- That's not your name.
- Isn't that obvious?

Actually, it's a code cover name.
Brilliant deception, don't you think? Jones.

Practically a revelation, coming from you.
You've already guessed
that I'm some sort of sneaky bastard...

...involved in some sort of
low skullduggery.

- Right?
- Right.

But there's no reason
for a straightforward...

...up-and-up, out-in-the-open
fellow like yourself...

...being involved more than he must.
I promise you this.
You'll know all you need to know...
:29:20, and if...
...the need arises.
Now, shall we keep
our mysterious rendezvous?

Why not.
Coming up to periscope depth now,

Very well.
Shift to red.
Raise the radar.
