Ice Station Zebra

So they could just check their coordinates
to aim missiles at all of our launching pads.

If they had the film.
The irony is that it's still here...
:30:13 Zebra.
- And this is not the way to find it.
- How did it get here?

- The Russians ran into a little trouble.
- That's encouraging.

Initially academic, or so it seemed.
The satellite was orbiting over North
America, western Russia and Siberia...

...but that darling little camera
went right on...

...taking pictures
when it wasn't supposed to.

- Beautiful pictures.
- Of Russian installations.

Which makes that piece of film
the most dangerous...

...and desirable...
...bit of information in the world.
And then they ran into real trouble.
You see, here they are, orbiting like this...

...when they fired the retros
for a comedown in Siberia...

:30:55 of the rockets misfired.
Instead of slowing the satellite...

...they just swung it into a new orbit
from pole to pole.

That's embarrassing for the Russians.
Nine-tenths of it...

...was over water and our free world.
None was over the Soviet Union
or any sphere of Communist influence.

That's when the lights began to burn
in the Kremlin.

Although the orbit had been radically
changed, the satellite was not aborted.

They still had sufficient control to bring
it down in a reentry. But where?

A pickup in the ocean would involve
a whole naval operation. We'd know.

And a land expedition would be even worse.
They should have asked us.
They were hoping
we didn't know it existed.

We calculated they had 13 days maximum
in which to determine the point of reentry.

Beyond that, the satellite would
slow down, reenter of its own accord...

...and burn up in the atmosphere.
- Consider their dilemma.
- The Arctic or the Antarctic.

The Antarctic is busy.
There are scientific expeditions there...

...from the U.S., Great Britain,
Netherlands, Chile...

...France, Australia, New Zealand...
- Russia.

And Russia. We sent Vaslov down there
to sniff about, just in case...
