The Charge of the Light Brigade

Comradeship. How high is that regarded
in military things?

High. But true comrades are rare,
like the truly loving wife is rare.

-William has talked of you constantly.
-l shall tell him to stop.

He says you are the finest horseman
in England.

Does he say l'm the finest dancer? l'm not.
He goes further than that.
He says, probably in Europe, also.

He exaggerates.
William is indeed fortunate.

Are you happy to be a soldier's wife?
Should soldiers have wives, Capt. Nolan?
William should.
That's the Duke of Wellington's statue.
lt was subscribed for by the whole nation,
and now they don't know where to put it.

There is great concern.
-He was a fine soldier.
-So are you, l am told.

l learned from a friend
that you have a system.

l'd like to write an article on you
for the Times.

Come on, now!
