The Charge of the Light Brigade

-Get my kicksies off.
-Do you need them off, my lord?

Don't talk like that, woman.
Get me kicksies off.

You have the mane of a lion.
How do you not know what is done,
how a man is handled?

-Have you no mechanical interest?
-Puss, puss, lion head.

lt would cause a man to strain his taters.
l like saddles. Get on your back.
You would have me hurting.
Please take time to remove....
l don't believe it.
Damn you! l took yours off.

lt is by no means a bad thing, when getting
onto a strange horse for the first time...

:30:35 give the middle of the saddle
three or four hard bangs...

...with the flat of your hand.
This is not love!
My lord?
