The Killing of Sister George

- So moving it'll make you vomit.
- Here you are, love.

Tell me, Mildred,
did he use that close-up on my line?

- Yes, he did, darling. It was marvelous.
- Yes, it would be.

Hey, George, how does all this grab you?
- I beg your pardon.
- Come on, George, you know what I mean.

These functions are getting
to be quite the fashion in Applehurst lately.

- What functions?
- Don't argue with her.

Funerals, darling. Death and funerals.
Last week it was Jessie Turner...
and now we've given Mrs. Prescott
a fair old sendoff.

Makes you wonder who's next, doesn't it?
Listen, you miserable-looking cow...
if you want to say something,
why don't you get on with it?

- Darling, I was just trying to...
- I know what you were trying to do.

Why don't you shut
your great big Australian mouth?

- You have no right to talk to me like that.
- Go to hell.

- Did you hear what she said?
- Yes, I certainly did.

Temper, temper, girls. With lemon, please.
With lemon?
Miss Bennett: Please report to Studio B.
Miss Bennett, you're wanted in...
All right, children, back to school.
Playtime's over.

Gather around the table.
Bring your tea with you.

Here's your tea.
We'll run through tomorrow's script
before we break.

Thank you, dear.
- Where's George?
- Afraid you're too late. She just left.

What do you mean, just left?
Didn't she say anything?

Not a word. Just upped and walked out.
Damn it. I didn't give anyone permission
to leave.

Run and fetch her back.
- Now.
- All right.

Poor Freddie,
you do have your problems, don't you?
