The Killing of Sister George

- Sydney Greenstreet.
- Ten out of ten.

There we are, Frank.
Thank you, George.
See you tomorrow, then?

Come along, ladies and gentlemen.
Drink up, please.

You're a marvelous actress,
that's what you are. A marvelous actress!

Sister George, playing the part...
of Sister George.
What a way to spend Easter.
Hold on there. Wait a minute.
Hello, girls.
Out on a mission, are we?
How do you ladies pass your time?
How can I? She should never have...
- Is that what you girls really wear?
- We'll report you, won't we?

- We'll report her to the most Superior...
- Not in my cab, you don't!

Oh, my. Stop it.
What's the idea, getting in my cab?
I'm afraid you've got the wrong room, sir.
Come on, you.
Get a move on.
Good night, girls. See you in church.
He's a rotten bloody driver, I'll tell you that.
Come on.
Watch your language.
I've got two religious ladies in there.
