The Killing of Sister George

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
I rather thought you might've come by taxi.

I walked.
What, all the way from Shepherd's Bush?
I had a meeting in town.
Even so, you must be absolutely exhausted.
Not at all. I quite enjoyed it.
My late husband and I
used to spend our holidays mountaineering.

Yes. In point of fact, that's how we first met.
We were both really very keen.
We had a wonderful life together.
He was a very sporting man.
He loved the outdoor life.
This is Miss McNaught. This is Mercy Croft.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?

Won't you come in? Make yourself at home.
On you go.
Yes, I always say
we get far too little exercise these days.

Unless I'm in a terrible rush,
I try to make do without taxis.

If we all did that,
those extra inches would soon disappear.

I often walk.
I'm sure you don't need
to take any exercise, my dear.

- Alice was just preparing tea. Weren't you?
- Yes.

I do hope I haven't put you to any trouble,
inviting myself out of the blue.

- Not at all.
- No, that's rubbish.

I'm so sorry. Won't be a minute.
- May I look around?
- Of course.

I adore looking at other people's flats.
They do reflect their owner's personality...
in an incredibly accurate way.
But you know, to be perfectly honest,
I imagined your home to be different.

- Really?
- Yes.

These charming dolls,
for instance, somehow...

They're Miss McNaught's.
Of course, that would explain it.
They're just not quite you, are they?

- Now, I didn't know...
- Yes, I have a flatmate.

How nice.
It's so important to have companionship.

Especially when one is an artist.
These are mine. I collect horse brasses.
How useful.
