The Killing of Sister George

Personally, I try to avoid collecting things.
I find one's home
gets into such a terrible clutter.

But I do think you've been sensible
to avoid falling into the trap...

that so many of our television performers
have stumbled into.

- Trap?
- You know how it is with some of them.

As soon as money starts coming in,
they go quite wild.

Houses, motor cars, swimming pools.
All kinds of extravagances.

But this place is really...
quite modest.
Won't be long now.
Kindly close that hatch.
Sometimes I have the insuperable desire
to strangle that girl.

You obviously haven't let fame and riches
go to your head.

You never know what the future holds,
do you, my dear?

Exactly. That was Sister George talking,
wasn't it?

One can't help slipping occasionally.
But you are Sister George,
and far more so than June Buckridge...

to all of us at Television Center.
Jolly nice of you to say so.
I say, would you rather have had a drink?
No. No, thank you.
You know, you've made the part
completely your own.

But that was obvious
even at the first auditions.

And that motor bike.
It really completes the image.

A stroke of sheer brilliance.
People are always telling me
how wonderfully cheerful you look...

buzzing around on your bike.
You'd look cheerful too...
with 50 cubic centimeters
throbbing away between your legs.

No doubt.
Now, Miss Buckridge...
or may I call you Sister George
like everyone else does?
