The Swimmer

- You alone here?
- There's a maid.

l'm gonna invite you over to our house.
l've got two girls you can play with.

- How big?
- Not much bigger than you.

- Do you play with them?
- Sure.

We play tennis
and we go bike riding together.

- l have an English racing bike.
- Fine, bring it over. We'll race you.

- Do you want another?
- No, thanks.

You'll owe me 20 cents.
l haven't time.
l'm swimming home.

- Do you mind if l use your pool?
- Not at all, but...

Well, that does it.
That really does it.

My whole project is ruined.
They emptied the pool
because l'm not a good swimmer.

l'm bad at sports. At school,
nobody wants me on their team.

lt's a lot better that way.
You take it from me.

At first, it's the end of the world
because you're not on the team.

- Till you realize.
- Realize what?
