The Swimmer

Ain't it a bitch, huh?
You ever seen anything like it?

Fifteen tons, 30,000 pounds of
structured aluminum and clear plastic.

So there we are, bare-assed,
and we jump in the pool.

lt's all steamy and warm, and the
snowflakes are floating down...

...and the hi-fi system is playing
and Grace and l are on our backs...

...just bobbing along
and l says to Grace:

Well, this party has everything,
including a gatecrasher.

l was hoping
you'd be glad to see me.

You never came when l invited you.
Why should l be glad now?

- Well, l thought, better late than never.
- You thought wrong, buster.

As one of your more
distinguished gatecrashers...

:55:38 l rate a drink?
Suit yourself.
- You're new around here, aren't you?
- What do you mean, new?

- lt's just l haven't seen you at parties.
- l haven't seen you neither.
